Friday, January 13, 2023

aircraft development

Aircraft Development - May 21, 2021, ©. Leeham News: After discussing the types of authentication rules last week, we explain why the rules can vary from project to project.

We will discuss some general considerations regarding acceptable safety standards that affect the application of regulations in specific projects.

Aircraft Development

Aircraft Development

In trying to understand the many principles that can be applied to an aircraft development program, it is important to first recognize that safety is a continuum and not just a binary concept. Regulatory bodies, including regulators and industry bodies, often aim to keep aviation risks "below actionable" (ALARP ).

Modern Military Aircraft

There are specific risks associated with the aircraft that must be accepted in order to achieve the vehicle's intended purpose, but the regulatory framework is reduce these impacts without compromising the ability to achieve the functional capacity required by the public.

The Regulator also recognizes that the public's acceptance of risk varies - we are more concerned about an accident involving a large twin-engine aircraft than a small helicopter (unless there is a celebrity on board).

To explain this, the regulations try to balance the level of risk and the level of avoidance and reduction of that risk, resulting in different levels of expected reliability and safety for different categories of products. This is similar to ground transportation in many ways. No one expects that riding a motorcycle has the same risks as riding a bus, and it is true, as a 2013 study by Northwestern University found that the death rate of the American motorcycle has 212 deaths per billion passenger miles compared to 0 .11 deaths in the US. bus work. In fact, commercial aviation still dominates with rates 36% lower than buses.

A clear example of this use of regulations to manage safety risks can be seen in the recent EASA standard for VTOL aircraft. In the image below, you can see the general safety guidelines based on the size and configuration of the VTOL aircraft on the left, and the decreasing crash tolerance used as you move towards the right (more equal) and the top (greater). permanent).

Developing New Aircraft Faster With Digitalisation

Simply put, a failure rate of one-in-a-billion (per flight hour) refers to the probability that a large cargo plane would fail or be required for a general aviation vehicle to operate. one seat can not accept the effects. the weight and cost of the ultra-high reliability and operating system. The same concept applies to applicable laws in addition to general security standards. Again based on EASA VTOL rules (VTOL.2250), small aircraft are expected to only crash land after striking a 1 kg bird, while most UAM or commercial passenger operations require the vehicle to safely take off and land.

Knowing these expectations and classifications when choosing a car size and configuration can be important in determining whether you can meet the legal requirements and go to the service. On the other hand, determining what level of public acceptance is likely for new and innovative products - from electric power to supersonic aircraft to autonomous drones - is one of the biggest challenges facing and the authorities today. An autonomous passenger car as safe as a 777 may not be possible with today's technology, while a drone as safe as a motorcycle may be just around the corner.

In the following Angles, we cover some of the most common patterns and show how the rules apply - and adapt - to their size and complexity. Esse design is em uso há decása. A new study - called AHEAD - shows that the design of all aircraft can be different. Esse poderia sisi or futuro da aviação?

Aircraft Development

(Advanced Development of Hybrid Motor Aeronaves). ABOUT BELOW is a diagram of the air flow pattern for the road leader

Alaska Air Group Partners With Zeroavia To Develop Hydrogen Power For Regional Airliners

Participant of the school and project aership AHEAD, can transport 300 transports of about 14.000 kilometers.

Em um estudo de design de alto nível como esse, os designers – no seu enthusias pelo desenvolvimento de uma aeronave de alta tecnologia – nem semper podem ver todas as implicações practicaes de seu design. O quadro de desenho é muito diferente da practica ma operación da vida real.

(sendo um dos possible users of dessas airships no futuro) can participate in the same part of the design and the addition of the critico a praticidade of brother and operation.

Gostei de participar dessas sessoes. Tivemos discussed intensas com pessoas intelligentes e inspirations com diferentes origensculturais, mas todos apaixonados por aviação e tecnologia.

Ati's Flyzero Project Unveils Fleet Of Development Scout Aircraft

The design of the aership AHEAD or all can be combined, with the special symbol.

A reduction of the resistance (ou arrasto) maintains the airflow. It's a great configuration that requires energy and produces a lot of fuel consumption. The special purpose is to reduce the risk, and the use of the aircraft can save the thermos de combustible.

. É assim que eles funcionam. Grandes volumes de fluxo de ar traverso e ao redor for fire. Parte desse ar é usado for queimar combustible de kerosene em um combustor. O ar aquecido, em seguida, condus as turbines que por sua vez conduzem os compressores e que compõem todo or system de propulsão.

Aircraft Development

THE CLOUD includes the design of the entire engine - the engine using different components. The first one is the heating of natural gas (GNL), or the second is the combustion of natural gas or biocombustível. Heating plants and heat exchangers are used, the total energy consumption is equal to the energy input.

Easyjet Partners With Gkn Aerospace To Accelerate Adoption Of Hydrogen In Aviation

Special features for the future engine are the fan ventilador com contra rotação. O grande ventilador que produz a major part do impulso do motor é composto por duas fileiras de láminas que rodam em direções opostas. This is a very good example of fire efficiency.

About the AHEAD design e um estudo de longo prazo, com muitos aspectos que ainda serão pesquisados. Espera-se que em torno de 2050 tenhomos a introduction de uma aeronaveda desse type. And KLM is committed to staying involved in short-term and long-term innovation. Vou mantê-lo informado sobre os efforts e os desenvolvimentos!

É bem possibile que você tenha ouvido ou lido isso antes. Publicamos este artigo em agosto de 2015. Então, isso é realente uma repostagem. Mas vamos ser sinceretos: e difícil se cansar de ler sobre nossos desenvolvimentos innovatoves, cert?Virtual product vision as guided concept in and for digital product development The top digital line at the end of the virtual product house (VPH) can thus greatly shortening the development time of new aircraft components.

Continuous integration of process steps for the development of medical wings Smart wings with multiple control elements are optimally adapted to different conditions during take-off, landing and navigation.

Scott Fancher, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Vice President And General Manager, Head Of Aircraft Development, Attends A News Conference On Their Airplane Development Update In Tokyo August 2, 2013. Reuters/issei Kato (japan

In brief The German Aerospace Center () is the national center for aerospace and space research in the Federal Republic of Germany.

A first project for the digital development of control surfaces for future aircraft wings has been completed at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; ) Virtual Product House (VPH). At the Center for Eco-Efficient Materials and Technology (EcoMaT) in Bremen, partners from industry and research have tested for the first time the sequential, digital chain of the development of wings on a computer - from the design to the production and testing. In this way, the foundation is set for the future of aircraft models, even proven - an important tool to accelerate the development of high-performance aircraft.

"On the road to air transport, he works as an architect and considers the whole system, with all its connections, to bring new technologies and digital methods to the stage of business applications in time necessary, work with our partners. center dedicated to the development of special products, the VPH has an important role in the company and the connection with industry and regulation," said a Markus Fischer, member of the board of directors of the air sector.

Aircraft Development

Now that the VPH process has been successfully completed in the first prototype, the wing and tail concepts can be formulated. more efficiently and in a more objective manner through experimental design. This means that potential defects and failures in the later stages of development can be quickly foreseen and avoided through re-design. The practice-based tests are also intended to replace some of the physical tests. In the future, there will be less need for tests on complex devices. "Not only does this save a lot of time and money in testing and certification, but the digital back-end chain can also significantly reduce the development time for new aircraft components," he said. said Kristof Risse, director of VPH. i , describe the quality.

The German Museum Of Science And Technology Achievement Represents The Exposure Of History Of Aircraft Development . Editorial Image

VPH was created as an integrated facility

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